Be That Person has resolved to make the world a better place. Although it may sound like a lofty goal, we believe that through very small steps, very simple actions, EVERYONE can make a change.
When we were young, we learned from our parents all we needed to know. They taught us, to be polite, exhibit good manners, do not be a bully, to stand up for the right things. We believe that with very little effort, by returning to these simple concepts, the world could easily be a better place.
With Be That Person on your shirt, hat, bag or coffee cup you will be reminded that you ARE that person and others will, without even thinking
about it will follow your behavior.
With all the hate in the world today, the need to Be That Person is needed more now than ever. This contagious message will help inspire all the people around you to be a better person. We aim to provide education and all the
tools necessary to help them Be That Person. Not only are we encouraging everyone to be a better person, but we are also encouraging communities,
schools, sporting teams and businesses of all kinds. The self-confidence that comes from being THAT PERSON is inspiring.
Join us in helping everyone around you BE THAT PERSON.
A portion of proceeds go back to supporting people, causes, artists, thinkers, dreamers on a mission to Be That Person
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